Fantastic effort by you and your team. Your boys where the best, most accommodating tradies I have ever worked with in 35 years.
Testimonials Archive
M Hatherly
Communication was great throughout with regular contact being made. Keep up the good work
IPB has been the number 1 supplier I have dealt with in the past 2 years. IPB is superior to the others as a result of offering unique solutions to lower cost and increase safety and their ability to be flexible to meet their client’s needs. Eg. The use of the IPB workshop to modify 2nd hand buildings delivering to site allows lower cost labour to be used in a safer environment.
Brian Hilton
The office has come up great and it will make a huge difference to our growing used car department. It has been a pleasure to deal with a company such as yourselves. I will certainly recommend IPB to anyone who needs it.
Everything was beautifully done and successfully tested during FAT