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The IPB Quality management system conforms to the following ISO Standards.


Quality ISO 9001:2015 (AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016)

Implementing ISO 9001:2008 enables us to strive for Continuous Improvement for our Companies Quality management System which helps us meet our customers’ expectations.

Our QMS is a set of policies, procedures and processes for planning and executing development, customer service and production in our manufacturing facility.

We ensure all our employees receive relative training for their position, conduct six monthly audits on all aspects of our business. We undertake surveillance audits and report all activities in our ISO system. Once a year we undergo external auditing from two separate companies

Quality is our main focus and we want to be known for it. Our buildings do not go out without a thorough building check. Everything from the roof anchor points to the cold water taps are checked. Our Quality Procedures are specific and updated regularly.

Having the right staff for each position is a major part of our achievements. All staff are competent in using the ISO system and are constantly finding new improvements to upgrade our procedures. In having an all hands on deck approach it gives staff confidence and respect for the system. We ensure that Management are always demonstrating best practices and providing support, guidance and help to office and factory staff along the way.

Repeat business is just as important as finding new clientele. We send monthly customer satisfaction surveys to make sure we are meeting needs and expectations. We have had long client relationship with most of our big customers. Which demonstrates trust, good pricing and good quality product.

Whether we are selling our product or service its regulated by our system and we make sure it meets all Australian Standards. It’s another reason we won the NSW Small Business of the Year award in 2012, along with the Central Coast Small Business of the Year, Manufacturer of the Year and Excellence in Small Business.


Safety AS/NZS 45001:2018

Making Safety our Priority

As a small / medium size business we at IPB are legally obligated to provide a safe workplace for our workers, customers, visitors, suppliers, the general public and ourselves. This is required under the WHS Act 2011. We have gone above and beyond of what is expected of us and become ISO 9001 accredited. Making sure our systems, policies and procedures are in place.

IPB provide the correct training and supervision to allow our workers to do their jobs safely and correctly. We ensure all our workers/ contractors are licensed, competent, insured and have read and signed our SWMS before starting work.

IPB has been ISO accredited for over two years. Our team is aware of the risks involved in the construction industry and make a conscious effort to Make Safety their Priority.

Our WHS Officer completes weekly Workplace audits, Identifies Hazard around the yard and completes Risk Assessments. Our WHS officer is also one of the First Aid Officers on site and runs safety talks on a continual basis.

We Target Zero accidents around the factory and complete our Accident and Incident register and reports if something occurs.

PPE is one of our requirements here at IPB. We ensure that all workers wear the correct Hi Vis PPE long sleeve, long pants, sunscreen, hats, gloves, glasses, ear plugs, steel capped boots when necessary.  We encourage keeping hydrated and staying cool.

We do not allow contractors on site without siting their insurances, completed their induction forms, completed the induction, read and signed our Safe Work method Statements or provided us with theirs.

Checklists we Complete

  • Pre-Starts
  • Inductions
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Management Meetings
  • Forklift
  • Harness
  • Boom lift
  • Scissor lift
  • Scaffold and ladder Inspections
  • Working at Heights
  • Noise Procedure
  • Managing Hazardous Waste
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Evacuation Plans & Drills
  • Building checklists on delivery and return
  • Test and tagging


Environmental ISO 14001:2015 (AS/NZS ISO 14001:2016)

Reducing greenhouse emissions with Sustainable building

IPB takes our environmental accountabilities very seriously. We continually upgrade our ISO Environmental systems with new recycling ideas and waste reduction methods.

Our portable buildings are energy efficient, ecofriendly and we use recyclable materials when available. Use of thermal properties in cladding, insulation, roofing and reflective colours all help with energy efficiency by cooling in summer and keeping warmer in winter.

Our staff and contractors are educated in the policies and procedures for sustainability.  We use long life materials that are recyclable and make an effort to source environmentally conscious suppliers where possible.

Thinking Green

Locating the buildings in the right north, easterly orientation of the sun, ventilating it accurately and insulating it properly while using energy efficient appliances, cooling shade structures and breezeways will give you overall improved thermal efficiency.

The waste materials from the manufacture of our portable buildings are re used in our building programme. We also recycle all timber decks and roof over materials from one job to another.

IPB provides for commercial and domestic clients. Offering a large range of products and services. We custom design and build a range of portable buildings to suit your requirements whatever size, quality and efficiency you entail.

Portable Built Buildings vs Typical Construction Buildings

  • Save costs with trusted suppliers, reused materials and on time project delivery
  • Leave low environmental footprint on the land
  • Built in our factory with controlled conditions can save up to 30% on reducing waste
  • Save time with deliveries, travel and weather delays
  • Minimal disruption to employees and on-site disturbance

Some of the energy efficient ways we reduce greenhouse gases

  • Use of natural sky lights
  • Installing florescent lighting
  • Insulating wall and roofing cavities
  • Using high star rated appliances
  • Using light coloured external cladding and roofing
  • Wire mesh window coverings
  • Air Vent installation
  • Roof overs, breezeways and awnings
  • Long life materials
  • Sensor lights